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N Fardian-Melamed*, A Skripka, C Lee, B Ursprung, TP Darlington, A Teitelboim, X Qi, M Wang, JM Gerton, BE Cohen*, EM Chan* & PJ Schuck*. Infrared nanosensors of pico-to micro-newton forces. Nature 637, 70-75 (2025).

Nature News & Views: Light turns tiny crystals into force sensors

A Skripka, Z Zhang, X Qi, B Ursprung, P Ercius, BE Cohen*, PJ Schuck,* D Jaque* & EM Chan*. Intrinsic Optical Bistability of Photon Avalanching Nanocrystals. Nature Photonics 19, 212-218 (2025)

Nature Photonics News & Views: Unlocking an optical bistability switch


X Qi, C Lee, B Ursprung, A Skripka, PJ Schuck*, EM Chan* & BE Cohen*. Short-Wave Infrared Upconverting Nanoparticles. Journal of the American Chemistry Society 146, 43, 29292–29296 (2024)

P Ercius, IJ Johnson, P Pelz, BH Savitzky, L Hughes, HG Brown, SE Zeltmann, S-L Hsu, CSS Pedroso, BE Cohen, R Ramesh, D Paul, JM Joseph, T Stezelberger, C Czarnik, M Lent, E Fong, J Ciston, MC Scott, C Ophus & AM Minor. The 4D camera: an 87 kHz direct electron detector for scanning/transmission electron microscopy. Microscopy and Microanalysis 30, 903-912 (2024)

SM Ribet, G Varnavides, CCS Pedroso, BE Cohen, P Ercius, MC Scott & C Ophus. Uncovering the three-dimensional structure of upconverting core–shell nanoparticles with multislice electron ptychography. Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 240601 (2024)

J-A Pan, A Skripka, C Lee, X Qi, AL Pham, JJ Woods, RJ Abergel, PJ Schuck, BE Cohen & EM Chan. Ligand-Assisted Direct Lithography of Upconverting and Avalanching Nanoparticles for Nonlinear Photonics. Journal of the American Chemistry Society 146, 7487-7497 (2024).

R Torres, LB Thal, JR McBride, BE Cohen & SJ Rosenthal. Quantum Dot Fluorescent Imaging: Using Atomic Structure Correlation Studies to Improve Photophysical Properties. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 3632–3640 (2024).


AJ Pattison, CCS Pedroso, BE Cohen, JC Ondry, AP Alivisatos, W Theis & P Ercius. Advanced Techniques in Automated High Resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nanotechnology 35 015710 (2024).

A Skripka, M Lee, X Qi, J-A Pan, H Yang, C Lee, PJ Schuck, BE Cohen, D Jaque & EM Chan. A Generalized Approach to Photon Avalanche Upconversion in Luminescent Nanocrystals. Nano Lett. 23, 7100–7106 (2023).

X Wang, C Jiang, Z Wang, BE Cohen, EM Chan & G Chen. Triplet-Induced Singlet Oxygen Photobleaches Near Infrared Dye-Sensitized Upconversion NanosystemNano Lett. 23, 7001–7007 (2023).

C Lee, EZ Xu, KWC Kwock, A Teitelboim, Y Liu, HS Park, B Ursprung, ME Ziffer, Y Karube, N Fardian-Melamed, CCS Pedroso, J Kim, SD Pritzl, SH Nam, T Lohmuelle, JS Owen, P Ercius, YD Suh*, BE Cohen*, EM Chan*, PJ Schuck*. Indefinite and Bidirectional Near Infrared Nanocrystal Photoswitching. Nature 618, 951–958 (2023).

featured in: A nanocrystal shines on and off indefinitely

X Wu, G Bordia, R Streubel, J Hasnain, CCS Pedroso, BE Cohen, B Rad, PD Ashby, AK Omar, PL Geissler, D Wang, H Xue, J Wang, TP Russell. Ballistic Ejection of Microdroplets from Overpacked Interfacial Assemblies. Advanced Functional Materials, 2213844 (2023)

Z Zhang, A Skripka, JC Dahl, C Dun, JJ Urban, D Jaque, PJ Schuck, BE Cohen & EM Chan. Tuning Phonon Energies in Lanthanide‐doped Potassium Lead Halide Nanocrystals for Enhanced Nonlinearity and Upconversion. Angewandte Chemie 135, e202212549 (2023)


H Najafiaghdam, CCS Pedroso, BE Cohen & MM Anwar. Optics-Free Chip-Scale Intraoperative Imaging Using NIR-Excited Upconverting Nanoparticles. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 16, 312-323 (2022).

RJ Sepela, RG Stewart, LA Valencia, P Thapa, Z Wang, BE Cohen & JT Sack. The AMIGO1 adhesion protein activates Kv2.1 voltage sensors. Biophysical Journal 121, 1395–1416 (2022).

H Najafiaghdam, CCS Pedroso, NA Torquato, BE Cohen & MM Anwar.  Fully Integrated Ultra-Thin Intraoperative Micro-Imager for Cancer Detection Using Upconverting Nanoparticles.  Molecular Imaging and Biology 25 168 (2023).


CCS Pedroso, VR Mann, K Zuberbühler, M-F Bohn, J Yu, V Altoe, CS Craik & BE Cohen. Immunotargeting of Nanocrystals by SpyCatcher Conjugation of Engineered Antibodies. ACS Nano 15, 8374 (2021).

KWC Kwock, C Lee, A Teitelboim, Y Liu, K Yao, SB Alam, BE Cohen, EM Chan & PJ Schuck. Surface-Sensitive Photon Avalanche Behavior Revealed by Single-Avalanching-Nanoparticle Imaging. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 43, 23976 (2021).

EZ Xu, C Lee, SD Pritzl, lS Chen, T Lohmueller, BE Cohen, E Chan & PJ Schuck. Infrared-to-ultraviolet upconverting nanoparticles for COVID-19-related disinfection applications. Optical Materials X 12, 100099 (2021).

P Thapa, R Stewart, RJ Sepela, O Vivas, LK Parajuli, M Lillya, S Fletcher-Taylor, BE Cohen, K Zito & JT Sack. EVAP: a two-photon imaging tool to study conformational changes in endogenous Kv2 channels in live tissues (front cover). Journal of General Physiology 153: e202012858 (2021).

VR Mann, F Manea, NJ Borys, CM Ajo-Franklin* & BE Cohen*. Controlled and Stable Patterning of Diverse Inorganic Nanocrystals on Crystalline Two-Dimensional Protein Arrays. Biochemistry 60, 1063-1074 (2021).

C Sanchez-Cano, BE Cohen, WJ Parak, et al. X-ray-Based Techniques to Study the Nano–Bio Interface. ACS Nano 15, 3754–3807 (2021).

C Lee, EZ Xu, Y Liu, A Teitelboim, K Yao, A Fernandez-Bravo, AM Kotulska, SH Nam, YD Suh*, A Bednarkiewicz*, BE Cohen*, EM Chan* & PJ Schuck*. Giant nonlinear optical responses from photon avalanching nanoparticles (front cover). Nature, 589, 230–235 (2021).

featured in: Nature News & Views, Berkeley Lab Shine On: Avalanching Nanoparticles Break Barriers to Imaging Cells in Real Time, Columbia Engineers First to Observe Avalanches in Nanoparticles


S Fletcher-Taylor, P Thapa, RJ Sepela, R Kaakati, V Yarov-Yarovoy, JT Sack* & BE Cohen*. Distinguishing Potassium Channel Resting State Conformations in Live Cells with Environment-Sensitive Fluorescence (front cover). ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 11, 2316–2326 (2020).

Y Chu, BE Cohen & H-h Chuang. A single TRPV1 amino acid controls species sensitivity to capsaicin. Scientific Reports 10, 8038 (2020)

Y Liu, A Teitelboim, A Fernandez-Bravo, K Yao, MVP Altoe, S Aloni, C Zhang, BE Cohen, PJ Schuck & EM Chan.  Controlled Assembly of Upconverting Nanoparticles for Low-Threshold Microlasers and Their Imaging in Scattering Media (front cover)ACS Nano 14, 1508-1519 (2020).

LB Thal, VR Mann, D Sprinzen, JR McBride, KR Reid, ID Tomlinson, DG McMahon, BE Cohen* & SJ Rosenthal*.  Ligand-conjugated quantum dots for fast sub-diffraction protein tracking in acute brain slices. Biomaterials Science 8, 837-845 (2020). open access via NIHMS


H Najafiaghdam, E Papageorgiou, NA Torquato, B Tian, BE Cohen* & M Anwar*. A 25 micron-thin microscope for imaging upconverting nanoparticles with NIR-I and NIR-II illumination. Theranostics 9, 8239-8252 (2019).


A Fernandez-Bravo, D Wang, ES Barnard, A Teitelboim, CA Tajon, J Guan, GC Schatz, BE Cohen, EM Chan, PJ Schuck & TW Odom. Ultralow-threshold, continuous-wave upconverting lasing from sub-wavelength plasmons. Nature Materials 18, 1172-1176 (2019).

featured in: DOE Basic Energy Sciences highlight, Nature Materials News & Views, LBL Today Tiny Laser Packs a Punch

MB Prigozhin, PC Maurer, AM Courtis, N Liu, MD Wisser, C Siefe, B Tian, EM Chan, G Song, S Fischer, S Aloni, DF Ogletree, ES Barnard, L-M Joubert, J Rao, AP Alivisatos, RM Macfarlane, BE Cohen, Y Cui, JA Dionne & S Chu. Bright sub-20 nm cathodoluminescent nanoprobes for electron microscopy. Nature Nanotechnology 14, 420-425 (2019).

A Teitelboim, B Tian, D Garfield, A Fernandez-Bravo, A Gotlin, PJ Schuck*, BE Cohen* & EM Chan*.  Energy Transfer Networks Within Upconverting Nanoparticles are Complex Systems with Collective, Robust, and History-dependent Dynamics.  J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 2678-2689 (2019).

M Charrier, D Li, VR Mann, L Yun, S Jani, B Rad, BE Cohen, PD Ashby, K Ryan & CM Ajo-Franklin. Engineering the S-layer of Caulobacter crescentus as a Foundation for Stable, High-Density, 2D Living Materials. ACS Synthetic Biology 8, 181-190 (2019).


B Tian, A Fernandez-Bravo, H Najafiaghdam, NA Torquato, MVP Altoe, A Teitelboim, CA Tajon, Y Tian, NJ Borys, ES Barnard, M Anwar, EM Chan*, PJ Schuck* & BE Cohen*. Low irradiance multiphoton imaging with alloyed lanthanide nanocrystals.  Nature Communications 9, 3082 (2018).

Top 50 2018 Nature Communications article in both Physics and Chemistry & Materials Science

featured in:  LBL Today Light-Emitting Nanoparticles Could Provide a Safer Way to Image Living Cells

H Najafiaghdam, EP Papageorgiou, NA Torquato, CA Tajon, H Zhang, C Park, B Boser, BE Cohen & M Anwar.  A Molecular Imaging “Skin”: Time-resolving Intraoperative Imager for Microscopic Residual Cancer Detection Using Enhanced Upconverting Nanoparticles. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 1-4 (2018).

M Chamanzar, DJ Garfield, J Iafrati, EM Chan, V Sohal, BE Cohen,  PJ Schuck &  MM Maharbiz. Upconverting nanoparticle micro-lightbulbs designed for deep tissue optical stimulation and imaging.  Biomedical Optics Express 9, 4359-4371 (2018).

CA Tajon, H Yang, B Tian, Y Tian, P Ercius, PJ Schuck, EM Chan & BE Cohen. Photostable and efficient upconverting nanocrystal-based chemical sensors. Optical Materials 84, 345-353 (2018).  open access via NIHMS

A Fernandez-Bravo, K Yao, ES Barnard, NJ. Borys, ES Levy, B Tian, CA Tajon, L Moretti, MVP Altoe, S Aloni, K Beketayev, F Scotognella, BE Cohen*, EM Chan* & PJ Schuck*. Continuous-wave upconverting nanoparticle microlasers. Nature Nanotechnology 13, 572-577 (2018).

featured in: Nature Nano News & Views, Nature highlightLBL Today Scientists Create Continuously Emitting Microlasers With Nanoparticle-Coated Beads

DJ Garfield, NJ Borys, SM Hamed, NA Torquato, CA Tajon, B Tian,  B Shevitski, ES Barnard, YD Suh, S Aloni, JB Neaton, EM Chan*, BE Cohen* & PJ Schuck*. Enrichment of molecular antenna triplets amplifies upconverting nanoparticle emission. Nature Photonics 12, 402-407 (2018).

featured in:  Nature Photonics News & Views, LBL Today Nanoparticle Breakthrough Could Capture Unseen Light for Solar Energy Conversion

VR Mann, AS Powers, DC Tilley, JT Sack & BE Cohen. Azide-Alkyne Click Conjugation on Quantum Dots by Selective Copper Coordination. ACS Nano 12, 4469–4477 (2018).

N Sugiyam, AY Sonay, R Tussiwand, BE Cohen & P Pantazis. Effective labeling of primary somatic stem cells with BaTiO3 nanocrystals for second harmonic generation imaging.  Small 14: 1870036 (2018).


SM Wichner, VR Mann, AS Powers, MA Segal, M Mir, JN Bandaria, MA DeWitt, X Darzacq, A Yildiz & BE Cohen.  Covalent Protein Labeling and Improved Single Molecule Optical Properties of Aqueous CdSe/CdS Quantum Dots.  ACS Nano 11, 6773-6781 (2017).

ME Materia, MP Leal, M Scotto, PB Balakrishnan, SA Kumar, ML García-Martín, BE Cohen, EM Chan & T Pellegrino. Multifunctional Magnetic and Upconverting Nanobeads as Dual Modal Imaging Tools.  Bioconjugate Chem. 28, 2707–2714 (2017).


ES Levy, CA Tajon, TS Bischof, J Iafrati, A Fernandez-Bravo, DJ Garfield, M Chamanzar, MM Maharbiz, VS Sohal, PJ Schuck, BE Cohen & EM Chan.  Energy-Looping Nanoparticles: Harnessing Excited-State Absorption for Deep-Tissue Imaging. ACS Nano 10, 8423–8433 (2016).


EM Chan, ES Levy & BE Cohen.  Rationally designed energy transfer in upconverting nanoparticles. Advanced Materials 27, 5753-5761 (2015).

EL Rosen, K Gilmore, AM Sawvel, AT Hammack, SE Doris, S Aloni, V Altoe, D Nordlund, T Weng, D Sokaras, BE Cohen, JJ Urban, DF Ogletree, DJ Milliron, D Prendergast & BA Helms. Chemically directing d-block heterometallics to nanocrystal surfaces as molecular beacons of surface structure. Chem. Sci. 6, 6295-6304 (2015).


DC Tilley, KE Eum, S Fletcher-Taylor, DC Austin, C Dupré, LA Patrón, RL Garcia, K Lam, V Yarov-Yarovoy, BE Cohen & JT Sack.  Chemoselective tarantula toxins report voltage activation of wild-type ion channels in live cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 111, E4789-E4796 (2014).

DJ Gargas, EM Chan, AD Ostrowski, S Aloni, V Altoe, ES Barnard, B Sanii, JJ Urban, DJ Milliron, BE Cohen* & PJ Schuck*.  Engineering bright sub-10-nm upconverting nanocrystals for single-molecule imaging. Nature Nanotechnology 9, 300-305 (2014).


EM Chan, G Han, JD Goldberg, DJ Gargas, AD Ostrowski, PJ Schuck, BE Cohen & DJ Milliron.  Combinatorial discovery of lanthanide-doped nanocrystals with spectrally pure upconverted emission.  Nano Lett. 12, 3839-3845 (2012).

AE Albers, EM Chan, PM McBride, CM Ajo-Franklin, BE Cohen* & BA Helms*. Dual-emitting quantum dot/quantum rod-based nanothermometers with enhanced response and sensitivity in live cells.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 9565–9568 (2012).

AD Ostrowski, EM Chan, DJ Gargas, EM Katz, G Han, PJ Schuck, DJ Milliron & BE Cohen. Controlled synthesis and single-particle imaging of bright, sub-10 nm lanthanide-doped upconverting nanocrystals.  ACS Nano 6, 2686–2692 (2012).

F Gelain, D Cigognini, A Caprini, D Silva, B Colleoni, M Donega, S Antonini, BE Cohen and AL Vescovi.  New bioactive motifs and their use in functionalized self-assembling peptides for NSC differentiation and neural tissue engineering.  Nanoscale 4, 2946-2957 (2012).

SB Lowe, JAB Dick, BE Cohen & MM Stevens.  Multiplex sensing of protease and kinase enzyme activity via orthogonal coupling of quantum dot–peptide conjugates.  ACS Nano 6, 851–857 (2012).


H Lia, S Wanga, AY Chuang, BE Cohen & H-H Chuang.  Activity-dependent targeting of TRPV1 with a pore-permeating capsaicin analog.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108, 8497-8502 (2011).

MA Caldwell, AE Albers, SC Levy, TE Pick, BE Cohen, BA Helms & DJ Milliron. Driving oxygen coordinated ligand exchange at nanocrystal surfaces using trialkylsilylated Chalcogenides.  Chem. Comm. 47, 556-558 (2011).


HM Jensen, AE Albers, KR Malley, YY Londer, BE Cohen, BA Helms, P Weigele, JT Groves & CM Ajo-Franklin. Engineering of a synthetic electron conduit in living cells.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107, 19213-19218 (2010).

BE Cohen. Biological Imaging: Beyond fluorescence. Nature 467, 407-408 (2010).

AR Bayles, HS Chahal, DS Chahal, CP Goldbeck, BE Cohen & BA Helms.  Rapid cytosolic delivery of luminescent nanocrystals in live cells with endosome-disrupting polymer colloids. Nano Lett. 10, 4086-4092 (2010).

JE Ghadiali, BE Cohen* & MM Stevens*.  Protein kinase-actuated resonance energy transfer in quantum dot−peptide conjugates.  ACS Nano 4, 4915-4919 (2010).

E Chan, C Xu, A Mao, G Han, J Owen, BE Cohen & DJ Milliron.  Reproducible, high-throughput synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals for optimization in multidimensional parameter space.  Nano Lett. 10, 1874–1885 (2010).


S Wu, G Han, DJ Milliron, S Aloni, V Altoe, DV Talapin, BE Cohen* & PJ Schuck*.  Non-blinking and photostable upconverted luminescence from single lanthanide-doped nanocrystals. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106, 10917-10921 (2009).


G Han, T Mokari, C Ajo-Franklin & BE Cohen. Caged quantum dots.  J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 15811-15813 (2008).

JS Salafsky & BE Cohen.  A second-harmonic-active unnatural amino acid as a structural probe of biomolecules on surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 15103–15107 (2008).


P Abbyad, X Shi, W Childs, TB McAnaney, BE Cohen & SG Boxer.  Measurement of solvation responses at multiple sites in a globular protein.  J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 8269-8276 (2007).


BE Cohen*, A Pralle, X Yao, G Swaminath, C Gandhi, YN Jan, BK Kobilka, EY Isacoff & LY Jan.  A fluorescent probe designed for studying protein conformational change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 965-970 (2005).

BE Cohen, M Grabe, and LY Jan  Answers and questions from the KvAP structures.  Neuron 39, 395-400 (2003).

BE Cohen*, TB McAnaney, ES Park, YN Jan, SG Boxer & LY Jan.  Probing protein electrostatics with a synthetic fluorescent amino acid. Science 296, 1700-1703 (2002).

BL Stoddard, BE Cohen, M Brubaker, AD Mesecar, and DE Koshland, Jr.  Millisecond Laue structures of an enzyme–product complex using photocaged substrate analogs.  Nat. Struct. Biol. 5, 891-897 (1998).

BE Cohen, BL Stoddard, and DE Koshland, Jr.  Caged NADP and NAD.  Synthesis and characterization of functionally distinct caged compounds.  Biochemistry 36, 9035-9044 (1997).