We invent novel optical probes–luminescent nanocrystals and organic fluorophores–as biosensors and single-molecule probes, develop bioconjugation and targeting chemistries, and image live cells with these reagents. We aim to use interesting and unusual new luminescent nanomaterials to address fundamental questions of cell function.
We’re based at the Molecular Foundry at Berkeley Lab. See our amazing view of Berkeley and San Francisco live here.
New! Our 3rd Nature paper about avalanching nanoparticles is out. Led by Natalie Fardian-Melamed in the Schuck group, we find that ANPs offer unmatched dynamic range for remote sensors and work with near infrared light, allowing subsurface force sensing in complex systems. Amazing work, Natalie!
And check out our recent JACS Communication on nanoparticles that can be excited in the short-wave infrared, past 1700 nm and hunderds on nm longer than other luminescent probes. Congrats, Xiao!
Postdoc position! We’re hiring postdocs with backgrounds in synthetic nanoscience, chemical biology, or imaging. Please email becohen (at) lbl.gov with your c.v. and a letter about your background and interests.